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  • Writer's pictureRainah Draper

Journal: imagiphor

Updated: May 3, 2019

These pictures are my spring break. During my spring break I had lots of fun with my friends at Vegas playing soccer. It is iconic of my spring break because I got to spend lots of time with them like everyday because we were almost always with eachother. we were lucky enough to have gone snowboarding with eachother after we won all our games. I really enjoy being with my friends and spending time with them because they make me so happy. The Second picture is a metaphor for self love and appreciation. I really liked this jacket I was wearing but I had no money to buy it and it left me to think that I really wanted it but couldn’t get it. This taught never that I should appreciate the things that i already have and I am so fortunate to be where I am today. The last one is relating to the play because it represents the ambition and determination I have because I was working very hard on the loi and was determined to clean out and plant newe taro. I learned so much when I was there. Whenever I work at the loi patches, I get great feeling that I am working hard on something beneficial. When I was done cleaning everything and I was done planting the taro I have achievEd my goal. Just like Macbeth he had determination to reach his own goal.

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