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  • Writer's pictureRainah Draper

Journal: Be A Man

To be a man in the world of Macbeth is that you need to not have any fear and can’t show any emotionS. Lady Macbeth notes, he is “too full o’th’ milk of human kindness” Lady Macbeth accuses her husband of taking the feminine quality of holding milk. She sees him as too feminine to kill the king which of course leads her to attempt to compensate for Macbeth by being “unsexed” and having her milk taken for gall. As the gender roles begin to subvert and the Macbeths’ overwhelming ambition blinds their morality. Shakespeare’s vision of the unnatural masculine figure becomes clearer. Also when Macd was weeping because he just found out that his whole family has been killed. He was being judged and was scolded because he was sobbinG. He told Macduff that he should be a man and stop crying. A man un Macbeth’s time won’t show emotions. In the modern time a man someone who is masculin. When we define maleness, or masculinity, we are quick to assume that to be a man means being aggressive, loud, violent, and dominant. But being a man today is able to show emotions and cry but they might be judged by others because it’ supposedly weak of a man if they cry.

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